Keep in mind that if your client is a large company, your point of contact for payment might not be your standard contact. If you’re using a template, make sure the template includes all the fields you need. Your software may only require the customer’s email address, but it’s always best to include the physical address as well for any snail-mail emergencies. While you can certainly go the route of drafting simple invoices in a word processor or spreadsheet, using a customizable template is less of a headache. You can even select templates in common software programs like Microsoft or Google Suite. A pro-forma invoice is sent to the customer before goods or services are rendered.
Excel offers a variety of clean, easy-to-use invoice templates, depending on your needs. However, you may run into the same logistical challenges as sending invoices via Word. Then, start customizing your template by filling in what is a sales invoice the empty fields with your invoice information. This will be preformatted for you, so all you need to do is fill in your business details, customer details, services provided, payment information and an invoice number and date.
To create your own invoice, start with a template (like the 12 in this post) or a blank Google Doc. Enter your name or business name and contact information on the top-left, then add your company logo if you have one on the top-right. Below your information, add your buyer’s name and contact information.
This past due invoice is a variation on the standard invoice but includes a bold “past due” notice. To mark a specific invoice type as past due, you can combine this with any of our other templates by copying the notice text and pasting it into another template doc. To cover all your bases, we’ve designed a dozen simple invoice templates you can download and edit to fit your exact billing needs.
Your business name and contact information
Outline the payment terms on your sales invoice, including the payment methods you accept (i.e., cash, check, credit card, etc.) and any late fees you’ll charge on overdue invoices. It’s easy to send your invoices created with Wave’s invoice generator. Simply enter your email address after completing the steps to generate an invoice and you’ll receive a PDF version of the invoice that can be sent to your customer. You can also download the PDF copy of your invoice to be printed out and mailed to customers. Create and send as many customized, professional invoices as you want with Wave’s free Invoice Generator. In a matter of seconds, and just a few clicks, you’ll have a free, professional invoice to send to your customers.